
Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Cold-pressed from the olive fruit. Rich in Omega 9 essential fatty acids and vitamin E. Super antioxidant, restores moisture and nourishment, lubricates, softens skin, heals wounds.

Pomegranate Seed Oil

Cold-pressed from the seeds within the juice-filled arils. Rich in rare Omega 5 essential fatty acid. Potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, promotes cell renewal, stimulates collagen production, protects against sun damage, reduces redness, heals irritations.

Rosewood Oil

Essential oil extracted from the Brazilian rosewood tree. Antiseptic, antidepressant, stimulates cell and tissue regeneration, relieves pain, harmonizes.

Lavender Oil

Essential oil distilled from the lavender flower. Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, stimulates cell regeneration and healing, prevents scarring, relieves pain, anxiety and depression.

Red Clover Flower

Detoxifies, cleanses, improves circulation, calms, relieves dryness, irritation and burns, helps treat skin conditions. Rich source of isoflavones that inhibit skin aging.